Cyril Mia Picture

Cyril Mia

Systems Engineer | Cyber Security Enthusiast



System Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology % Services and O2O Commerce Industry. Skilled in Linux System Administration, Database Administration (MySQL), API Testing/Dev and basic Cloud Computing (AWS, GCP).

Cyber Security Enthusiast. Interested in knowing how things work and how to break them, always learning. Currently studying Cyber Security focusing on Penetration Testing and applying it on Hack the Box as a CTF player.

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Project Zeus

Project Zeus is composed of software and hardware. The purpose of this Capstone Project is to provide an alternative source of electricity.

The hardwares are road humps, lamp post and a CCTV camera. The road humps will be the one responsible harvesting the electricity through the passing cars and it will be stored in a battery. The harvested electricity will be distributed to the lamp post and CCTV camera.

The software is the central website that will monitor the harvesting and distribution of the electricity. It will notify the user if the battery is full, live streaming for the CCTV camera and data analytics for data mining.

Duration: January 2018 - April 2018
Front-End: Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
Back-End: PHP, Python, AJAX
Database: MySQL
Designation: Lead Developer

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Jail Management System

This project is from my past subject Systems Analysis and Design.

The purpose of the study is to develop a Jail Management System for Makati City Jail to monitor their prisoners efficiently and have their reports instantly, effectively as and when required.

The system has 2 level of users:
   •  Super Administrator
   •  Administrator

The Super Administrator will be held responsible and have all the privileged as an administrator of the system. They can activate and deactivate Administrators and can accept requests as well.

The Administrator have limited privileged, they can only monitor prisoner's data and cannot handle another administrator.

The Overview of the system is just a basic Create - Read/Retrieve - Update - Delete or CRUD, build in PHP. It has a Dashboard of data analytics, management of admin users, management of prisoner's details and history logs of administrators.

Duration: January 2017 - March 2017
Front-End: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
Back-End: PHP
Database: MySQL
Designation: Lead Developer

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